Biomechanics Blog Post #1: Activity Analysis



The action that is a part of my daily routine is putting on my scrub top in the morning. This movement requires multiple muscles, joints, and movements to occur; however, I will specify on the main factors. I will primarily be focused on the shoulder joint, also known as the glenohumeral joint. The start position of this action requires my shoulder at zero degrees, but my elbows are at ninety degrees, while I grasp the shirt. The end position requires my shoulder to flex straight above my head as I simultaneously push my extended arm through the sleeves of the shirt. This action is repeated to put my other arm through the opposite sleeve. The shoulder joint action is taking place through the Sagittal Plane, and it uses the Frontal Axis to aid my shoulder in flexion and extension. The osteokinematics of this action is shoulder flexion, and the arthrokinematics of this action is the humerus rolling anteriorly and gliding posteriorly in opposite directionsThe primer mover of shoulder flexion is the deltoid, and it is concentrically contracting as the shoulder is flexing upward. This action is classified as being an open kinematic chain movement.


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