Biomechanics Blog Post #2: Test Positioning

 It is extremely important to follow positioning protocols for Range of Motion (ROM) and Manual Muscle Testing (MMT) for the safety and comfort of the patient during the assessment, and for the therapist to have a more reliable result. Measuring ROM is important in determine the active range of motion of a joint, and to determine potential deformities or injuries that may limit joint motion. Bony landmarks are important for both the client and the therapist. This is important for therapists because it serves as landmarks to help position the goniometer on the client. It helps the therapist figure out where to place the axis, stationary arm, and motion arm of the goniometer to give an accurate measurement. It is important for the client, because the therapist will be able to communicate what parts of the body they are planning to measure, and where they will place the device on their body. This gives the client an opportunity to give consent and to feel comfortable about the procedure. The purpose of the “test position” of MMT is to position the muscle in the most optimal muscle contraction phase. The most optimal muscle contraction is in mid ROM, because typically every joint in the human body is classified as a third lever, which is automatically at a mechanical disadvantage. The relevance of gravity eliminated positioning is to take away an external factor, and to see how much active ROM the client can produce by themselves. 


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