Neurobiology Blog Post #2

There are countless ads that have left an impression within me, but the ones that stick with me the most are science fiction themed. In 2015, Toys R Us came out with a visual advertisement that was Star Wars themed. I originally saw this ad in the movie theatre before seeing Star Wars: The Force Awakens. In the beginning, you see the father struggle to connect with his daughter by surrounding her with Star Wars memorabilia. As she grows up, he continues to use Star Wars as a bridge. Finally, at Toys R Us, the daughter plays with a lightsaber, and the father is overcome by joy. This ad stuck with me because of many reasons. The lightsaber sounds trigger my auditory cortex; thus, activating my cerebrum, because it reminds me of memories of the first time I heard a lightsaber. As I watched the ad, I noticed all of the Legos, action figures, and countless toys and clothing that was Star Wars themed, and it felt like my eyes were sparkling. Now I know that seeing those visual aids triggered my visual cortex which is located within the cerebral cortex. The ad focused on multiple systems within my body. It activated my Limbic system since the commercial made me feel emotional by connecting through emotions, and the Autonomic Nervous system, specifically the Sympathetic Nervous system activated by dilating my eyes and increasing my heart rate because of how excited I became seeing the ad. At the time, I had no idea all of the activity that occurred within my brain, while watching this ad. After taking neurobiology, I think it is insane how certain companies can follow scientific data regarding brain patterns and chemical firing, and formulate ads that can target certain neurotransmitters and/or bodily systems.


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