Neuro Note #2: Deep Brain Stimulation and Parkinson's

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For my second Neuro Note, I have decided to analyze the article and video from Dr. Rachel Dolhun. It is titled, "Deep Brain Stimulation and Parkinson's." I chose this resource, because in a different Neuro assignment, the case study, my example client is Andy McDowell and he receives the Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) surgery. In regards to Mr. McDowell, it was a major success, and he made the statement, "I was able to obtain some years back in my life to be with my family for a little while longer." In that specific video, you see his motor functioning increased, while his pain decreased drastically. The resources I used to further my knowledge in regards to Parkinson's Disease (PD) and DBS was the DBS educational video and PDF constructed by Dr. Rachel Dolhun, and the YouTube video of Andy McDowell (DBS Recipient). Watching the video directed by Dr. Rachel Dolhun, I learned multiple things. Those findings consist of the following: DBS treats only motor function (tremors, stiffness, and slowness) and dyskinesia symptoms, it decreases the medication needs, it is not a cure, and not everyone can benefit from DBS, because PD is different in everyone. I most certainly recommend this video, because an accredited movement disorder specialist is being honest in regards of the factors of DBS. I think the most important take-away in this learning process is that DBS can be life changing for some individuals, but for others it might be detrimental, or fatal.

Dolhun, R. (n.d.). Deep Brain Stimulation and Parkinson's From Decision-making to Daily  Life with the Device. Retrieved July 17, 2022, from                                                

Rachel Dolhun, M. S. V. P. M. C. (2021, June 19). Deep Brain Stimulation and Parkinson's (Ask the MD Video) | Parkinson's Disease.


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