Neuro Note #5: Mama Jama's Story about Multiple Scleroris

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For my fifth Neuro Note, I decided to choose my topic on Multiple Sclerosis (MS). I chose a blog post from the author named, "Mama Jama," and it describes her own life's struggles, obstacles, adaptations, and mindset as someone that was diagnosed with MS. It was posted on May 31, 2018 and it states that she was diagnosed at the age of 34. However, the past 11 years have become exceptionally more difficult for her. I chose this specific blog post, because I knew that MS was an autoimmune disorder, and I was curious to hear about the mindset and philosophy and individual with MS uses each day. Personally, I think the power of controlling one's thoughts, feelings, and attitude are extremely vital in becoming a happy person. To further my knowledge of MS, I sat in Neuro Aspects class, and listened to the MS lecture, and listen to multiple MS case studies. Some of the major takeaways that I learned about MS are the following: MS is typically unpredictable, MS is not considered highly fatal, and the main symptom of MS is fatigue. From this specific blog post, I learned the art of being in control of your attitude. No matter how hard life can get, how many obstacles one faces, or whatever unfortunate event happens to you, it still does not dictate your attitude. Only you decide how to handle yourself, how to look at life, and how to treat people kindly. This woman expresses multiple obstacles she faces everyday, but she overcomes them due to her diligent practice of controlling her attitude throughout life. I recommend this article for everyone. Not only can someone with MS read this and feel motivated, but also in other person could read this blog and feel inspired. Her words hold a tremendous amount of truth in them, so I highly recommend everyone read this article!

Works Cited

            "My Conscious Decision -", 2018, Accessed 22 Aug. 2022.


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