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Neuro Note #6: Marion's Long Journey for a Diagnosis of GBS

     For my final Neuro Note, I decided to choose Miss Marion's story. This short video is posted on the GBS I CIDP Foundation International website, and it shows Marion's personal journey on how she became diagnosed with Guillian-Barre Syndrome (GBS). It is titled, " Marion Oosthuysen - South African Liaison's GBS Story." Marion describes herself as having a great life plentiful with children, grandchildren, and even great grand children, so she has to keep busy to stay engaged with her family in Cape Town, South Africa. It was a couple of days before New Years Eve, and while she was doing house chores, she experienced some tingling sensations in her finger tips. She ignored it at first, but she then expressed concern when he whole body felt as if she was in a "bed full of needles." This is when she believed she might be having a stroke, so she contacted the doctor. The next day she went in, her symptoms intensified, primarily numbness in her hands and

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